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Looking Back on 2013!!!

1:What Did you do in 2013 that you’d Never Done before?
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
3:Did anyone Close to you give birth?
4:Did anyone Close to you die?
5:What Countries did you visit?
6:What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013
7:What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
9:What was your biggest failure?
10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
11:What was the best thing you bought?
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration?
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled?
14:Where did most of your money go?
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
16:What song will always remind you of 2013?
17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
18:What do you wish you’d done more of?
19:What do you wish you’d done less of?
20:How did you spend Christmas?
21:Did you fall in love in 2013?
22:What was your favourite TV program?
23:Do you hate Anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
24:What was the best book you read?
25:What was your greatest musical discovery?
26:What did you want and get?
27:What did you want and not get?
28:What was your favourite film of this year?
29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
31:What kept you sane?
32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
33:What political issue stirred you the most?
34:Who did you miss?
35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

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The Best Way to SELL a Services

I’ve been selling a service for many, many years and I can tell you that selling something people can’t touch and feel has its challenges.

No amount of explaining, documenting and outlining can replicate the conditions of actually experiencing the service in action.

That’s why I’ve always felt that the best way to effectively sell a service is to start by giving it away.

  • Here’s how that might play out in, say, a consulting model.
  • A Prospective client hears you present some valuable information in a webinar.
  • Some of the things you touched on directly hit on an issue they’re Struggling with
  • They call you up and ask you to come out and present some ideas on working them
  • Instead of Agreeing to what is basically a sales call you suggest another approach
  • You Send them a detailed form you use in the Discovery phase of working with a client and ask that each member of their executive team complete the form
  • When you meet you simply start consulting with them by conducting a Session to help the team get alignment on key issues based on their form responses
  • At the end of the allotted time you make observations and global Recommendation about solving their issue
  • They determine they would like to see a proposal on how you could help them as a team

The Reason this approach is so effective is that no real selling has to occur, you get to control the course of the entire meeting, the client gets value whether they agree to hire you or not, you get a valuable start in the engagement, trust and information aspects of the work should they agree to move forward.

This is the precise approach I’ve used for a number of years as it always leads to a more productive sales call and it effectively allows the prospective client to experience just a bit of what it would be like to work with me.

If you want to sell more services, figure out a formal process that turns your sales presentation into a sample service and watch any resistance melt away. 

After Week Nelson Mandela's Death Comes Film On His Life

Nelson Mandela's Death Comes a week after release of film on his life

Johannesburg: Revered Peace Icon Nelson Mandela's death on Friday came barely a week after the release of a Movie based on his autobiography that Indian-origin South African filmmaker Anant Singh spent almost 20 years to make.

The Movie 'Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom' on the 95-year-old leader has been Setting Box Office Records in its First week in South Africa, earning $427,000 in its opening week.

The film has been highly acclaimed at special screenings across the globe, including a special screening arranged at the White House by President Barack Obama.

Ironically in a freakish twist, Mandela died at almost the precise moment VIPs, including his Daughter Zindzi Mandela and Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge, were walking the red carpet in London to attend the premiere of the film.

"We have lost our Father, an Exceptional human being, a Hero to the World," said Singh, who had become a close friend of the Mandelas.

"There has never been anyone quite like him and there will never be. We should be Inspired by his life and Celebrate him with our love,
"Singh Said as he extended his Condolences to the Family.

William, with Kate by his side, mourned the Death of Mandela as he emerged from the theatre.

"It is extremely sad and tragic news. We are reminded of what an extraordinary and inspiring man Nelson Mandela was," he said to waiting media.

The Movie Traces Mandela's life From his Childhood in a remote rural part of South Africa, through his Years Struggling against apartheid, to his 27 years imprisonment and his Election as the Country's First Black President in 1994.

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