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Looking Back on 2013!!!

1:What Did you do in 2013 that you’d Never Done before?
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
3:Did anyone Close to you give birth?
4:Did anyone Close to you die?
5:What Countries did you visit?
6:What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013
7:What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
9:What was your biggest failure?
10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
11:What was the best thing you bought?
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration?
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled?
14:Where did most of your money go?
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
16:What song will always remind you of 2013?
17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
18:What do you wish you’d done more of?
19:What do you wish you’d done less of?
20:How did you spend Christmas?
21:Did you fall in love in 2013?
22:What was your favourite TV program?
23:Do you hate Anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
24:What was the best book you read?
25:What was your greatest musical discovery?
26:What did you want and get?
27:What did you want and not get?
28:What was your favourite film of this year?
29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
31:What kept you sane?
32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
33:What political issue stirred you the most?
34:Who did you miss?
35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

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The Best Way to SELL a Services

I’ve been selling a service for many, many years and I can tell you that selling something people can’t touch and feel has its challenges.

No amount of explaining, documenting and outlining can replicate the conditions of actually experiencing the service in action.

That’s why I’ve always felt that the best way to effectively sell a service is to start by giving it away.

  • Here’s how that might play out in, say, a consulting model.
  • A Prospective client hears you present some valuable information in a webinar.
  • Some of the things you touched on directly hit on an issue they’re Struggling with
  • They call you up and ask you to come out and present some ideas on working them
  • Instead of Agreeing to what is basically a sales call you suggest another approach
  • You Send them a detailed form you use in the Discovery phase of working with a client and ask that each member of their executive team complete the form
  • When you meet you simply start consulting with them by conducting a Session to help the team get alignment on key issues based on their form responses
  • At the end of the allotted time you make observations and global Recommendation about solving their issue
  • They determine they would like to see a proposal on how you could help them as a team

The Reason this approach is so effective is that no real selling has to occur, you get to control the course of the entire meeting, the client gets value whether they agree to hire you or not, you get a valuable start in the engagement, trust and information aspects of the work should they agree to move forward.

This is the precise approach I’ve used for a number of years as it always leads to a more productive sales call and it effectively allows the prospective client to experience just a bit of what it would be like to work with me.

If you want to sell more services, figure out a formal process that turns your sales presentation into a sample service and watch any resistance melt away. 

After Week Nelson Mandela's Death Comes Film On His Life

Nelson Mandela's Death Comes a week after release of film on his life

Johannesburg: Revered Peace Icon Nelson Mandela's death on Friday came barely a week after the release of a Movie based on his autobiography that Indian-origin South African filmmaker Anant Singh spent almost 20 years to make.

The Movie 'Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom' on the 95-year-old leader has been Setting Box Office Records in its First week in South Africa, earning $427,000 in its opening week.

The film has been highly acclaimed at special screenings across the globe, including a special screening arranged at the White House by President Barack Obama.

Ironically in a freakish twist, Mandela died at almost the precise moment VIPs, including his Daughter Zindzi Mandela and Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge, were walking the red carpet in London to attend the premiere of the film.

"We have lost our Father, an Exceptional human being, a Hero to the World," said Singh, who had become a close friend of the Mandelas.

"There has never been anyone quite like him and there will never be. We should be Inspired by his life and Celebrate him with our love,
"Singh Said as he extended his Condolences to the Family.

William, with Kate by his side, mourned the Death of Mandela as he emerged from the theatre.

"It is extremely sad and tragic news. We are reminded of what an extraordinary and inspiring man Nelson Mandela was," he said to waiting media.

The Movie Traces Mandela's life From his Childhood in a remote rural part of South Africa, through his Years Struggling against apartheid, to his 27 years imprisonment and his Election as the Country's First Black President in 1994.

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Work has Gone Google

Work has gone Google.

Google Apps helps you run your business the way you want, with a suite of online tools including email, video meetings, file sharing, documents and calendars. More and more companies are going Google to get things done better, faster, easier, together – all from just Rs. 150 per user per month.

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Google+ Hangouts lets you chat face-to-face (to-face) with colleagues wherever they are.
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Use Google Docs to Create Documents Online, Share them with colleagues and edit them together at the same time from anywhere.
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Over 5 Million Businesses Have gone Google.

All About The New Google “Hummingbird” Algorithm

Google has a New Search Algorithm, the system it uses to sort through all the information it has when you search and come back with answers. It’s called “Hummingbird” and below, what we know about it so far.

What’s a “Search Algorithm?”
That’s a Technical Term for what you can think of as a recipe that Google uses to sort through the billions of web Pages and Other Information it has, in order to return what it believes are the Best Answers.

What’s “Hummingbird?”
It’s the name of the new search algorithm that Google is using, one that Google says should return better results.

So that “PageRank” algorithm is dead?
No. PageRank is one of over 200 major “ingredients” that go into the Hummingbird recipe. Hummingbird looks at PageRank — how important links to a page are deemed to be — along with other factors like whether Google believes a page is of good quality, the words used on it and many other things (see our Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors for a better sense of some of these).

Why is it called Hummingbird?
Google told us the name come from being “precise and fast.”

When did Hummingbird start? Today?
Google started using Hummingbird about a month ago, it said. Google only announced the change today.

What does it mean that Hummingbird is now being used?
Think of a car built in the 1950s. It might have a great engine, but it might also be an engine that lacks things like fuel injection or be unable to use unleaded fuel. When Google switched to Hummingbird, it’s as if it dropped the old engine out of a car and put in a new one. It also did this so quickly that no one really noticed the switch.

When’s the last time Google replaced its algorithm this way?
Google struggled to recall when any type of major change like this last happened. In 2010, the “Caffeine Update” was a huge change. But that was also a change mostly meant to help Google better gather information (indexing) rather than sorting through the information. Google search chief Alpesh Sharma told me that perhaps 2001, when he first joined the company, was the last time the Algorithm was so dramatically rewritten.

What About all these Penguin, Panda and other “updates” — haven’t those been changes to the algorithm?

Panda, Penguin and other updates were changes to parts of the old algorithm, but not an entire replacement of the whole. Think of it again like an engine. Those things were as if the engine received a new oil filter or had an improved pump put in. Hummingbird is a brand new engine, though it continues to use some of the same parts of the old, like Penguin and Panda

The New Engine is Using Old Parts?
Yes. And no. Some of the parts are perfectly good, so there was no reason to toss them out. Other parts are constantly being replaced. In general, Hummingbird — Google says — is a new engine built on both existing and new parts, organized in a way to especially serve the search demands of today, rather than one created for the needs of ten years ago, with the technologies back then.

What type of “new” search activity does Hummingbird Help?
“Conversational search” is one of the biggest examples Google gave. People, when speaking searches, may find it more useful to have a conversation.

“What’s the Closest place to buy the iPhone 5s to my home?” A Traditional Search Engine might focus on finding matches for words — finding a page that says “buy” and “iPhone 5s,” for example.

Hummingbird Should better focus on the meaning behind the words. It may better understand the actual location of your home, if you’ve shared that with Google. It might understand that “place” means you want a brick-and-mortar store. It might get that “iPhone 5s” is a Particular type of electronic device carried by certain stores. Knowing all these meanings may help Google go beyond just finding pages with matching words.

In Particular, Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query, ensuring that the whole query — the whole sentence or conversation or meaning — is taken into account, rather than particular words. The goal is that pages matching the meaning do better, rather than pages matching just a few words.

I thought Google did this conversational search stuff already!
It does (see Google’s Impressive “Conversational Search” Goes Live On Chrome), but it had only been doing it really within its Knowledge Graph answers. Hummingbird is designed to apply the meaning technology to billions of pages from across the web, in addition to Knowledge Graph facts, which may bring back better results.

Does it really work? Any before-and-afters?
We don’t know. There’s no way to do a “before-and-after” ourselves, now. Pretty much, we only have Google’s word that Hummingbird is improving things. However, Google did offer some before-and-after examples of its own, that it says shows Hummingbird improvements.

A Search for “acid reflux prescription” used to list a lot of drugs (such as this, Google said), which might not be necessarily be the best way to treat the disease. Now, Google says results have information about treatment in general, including whether you even need drugs, such as this as one of the listings.

A Search for “pay your bills through citizens bank and trust bank” used to bring up the home page for Citizens Bank but now should return the specific page about paying bills

A Search for “pizza hut calories per slice” used to list an answer like this, Google said, but not one from Pizza Hut. Now, it lists this answer Directly from Pizza Hut itself, Google says.

Could it be making Google Worse?
Almost certainly not. While we Can’t say that Google’s gotten better, we do know that Hummingbird — if it has indeed been used for the Past Month — hasn’t sparked any wave of consumers complaining that Google’s results suddenly got bad. People complain when things get worse; they generally don’t notice when things improve.

Does this Mean SEO is Dead?
No, SEO is Not yet Again Dead. In fact, Google’s saying there’s nothing new or different SEOs or publishers need to worry about. Guidance remains the same, it says: have original, high-quality content. Signals that have been important in the past remain important; Hummingbird just allows Google to process them in new and hopefully better ways.

Does this mean I’m going to lose Traffic from Google?
If you haven’t in the past month, well, you came through Hummingbird unscathed. After all, it went live about a month ago. If you were going to have problems with it, you would have known by now.

By and Large, there’s been no Major outcry among publishers that they’ve lost Rankings. This seems to support Google saying this is very much a query-by-query effect, one that may improve particular searches — particularly complex ones — rather than something that hits “head” terms that can, in turn, cause major traffic shifts.

But I did Lose Traffic!
Perhaps it was due to Hummingbird, but Google stressed that it could also be due to some of the other parts of its algorithm, which are always being changed, tweaked or improved. There’s no way to know.

How do you know all this Stuff?
Google shared some of it at its Press event Today, and then I talked with two of Google’s top search execs, Alpesh Sharma and Ben Gomes, after the event for more details. I also hope to do a more formal look at the changes from those conversations in the near future. But for now, hopefully you’ve found this quick FAQ based on those conversations to be helpful.

By the way, another Term for the “Meaning” connections that Hummingbird does is “entity search,” and we have an entire panel on that at our SMX East Search Marketing show in New York City, Next Week. The Coming “Entity Search” Revolution session is part of an entire “Semantic Search” track that also gets into ways Search Engines are Discovering Meanings behind Words. Learn more about the track and the entire show on the Agenda Page.

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Bailey Said Tendulkar Ends His Career With a Winning

Bailey hopes Tendulkar ends his career with a win

Rajkot: Australia skipper George Bailey said Sachin Tendulkar deserves every bit of accolade for his monumental achievements and hoped the Indian legend signs off his career with a win. 

"He's (Tendulkar) just been around forever. A wonderful player. I thought it was fitting that he went out with a win.

George Bailey Said Sachin Tendulkar Deserves Every Bit of Accolade for his Monumental Achievements.
That is Great for him. Two more Test matches. He deserves every accolade he gets. How many kids, how many thousands of Indian people love the game, love watching him play. It has been a very special career," Bailey told reporters at the Post-Match Press Conference on Thursday.

Tendulkar Announced his decision to retire from Test cricket after playing his landmark 200th Match against the West Indies next month, bringing an end to the intense Speculation about his future. 

India will play two Tests against the Caribbean side from November 6-10 and November 14-18, the venues of which is yet to be Decided.

Tendulkar's 198 Test Appearances have yielded 15,837 runs at an average of 53.86 and includes 51 Centuries.

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4th Highest Opening of 2013 - Grand Masti

Grand Masti is a Bollywood adult comedy film presented by Bharat Shah, directed by Indra Kumar and produced by Ashok Thakeria

The recently released Aftab Shivdasani, Riteish Deshmukh and Vivek Oberoi starrer 'Grand Masti' has opened huge across the country. With collections ranking the film at number four in this year's top Opening Day collections, the film is certainly making its producers a fat sum.

In this edition of Box Office Report Card, we compare two of the latest and most talked about adult comedy sequels namely 'Grand Masti' and 'Kya Super Kool Hain Hum', taking into consideration the Opening Day, Opening Weekend, First Week and Life Time collections.

Indra Kumar and Ashok Thakeria's hugely Anticipated Adult Comedy GRAND MASTI is definitely living up to the immense expectations, as the flick has notched the 5th highest Friday openings of the year!!

What's more, renowned trade sources are saying that the Grand Masti opening is the 4th highest opening of 2013 after blockbusters Chennai Express, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Race 2.

Directed by Indra Kumar, the bold adult comedy has bagged a staggering net RS 12.5 Crores on day 1 of its release!

Trade analyst Alpesh Sharma tweeted, GrandMasti is 4th highest opener of 2013.

He Further Tweeted, GrandMasti hits the bull's eye, is a Huge Success Story at the BO.

However, with the film still running in theaters, we wonder how much higher can the film push the bar for an adult rated movie.

Initial Release: September 13, 2013
Director: Indra Kumar
Running Time: 140 minutes
Music Composed by: Anand Raj Anand
Screenplay: Indra Kumar

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China Now world's 3rd Largest FDI Investor Behind US, Japan

China's outbound FDI rose 17.6 percent year-on-year in 2012 to a record high of USD 87.8 billion, according to the 2012 Statistical Bulletin of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment (ODI) by the the Ministry of Commerce.

China has emerged as the world's third-largest investor as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from the Communist giant jumped by 17.6 percent last year defying a global pattern.

Also Read: China's trade strengthens as exports rise 7.2% 

China's outbound FDI rose 17.6 percent year-on-year in 2012 to a record high of USD 87.8 billion, according to the 2012 Statistical Bulletin of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment (ODI) by the the Ministry of Commerce. Even as global ODI slid 17 percent last year amid uncertainties facing the world economy,
China is now world's third-largest investor, following the United States and Japan, for the first time since the country began to release the data a decade ago.

China currently holds about USD 3.30 trillion foreign exchange reserves. About USD 1.20 trillion is invested in U bonds. China was world's sixth-largest investor in 2011, with an ODI flow of USD 74.65 billion. Last year's increase represented an acceleration from 8.5 percent in 2011, when the global economic recovery was weak in the face of continuing financial turmoil in Europe and the United States. 

"The Chinese government introduced measures to encourage outbound direct investment in pursuit of the 'going abroad' strategy, and the country's outward FDI maintained robust growth in recent years,"  said Zhou Zhencheng, commercial counsellor of the department of outward investment and economic cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce. Huo Jianguo, president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, was quoted by the state-run China Daily as saying that the surge in ODI was mainly driven by domestic enterprises eager to tap overseas markets and profit from using global resources. 

"Debt Crises and slowing growth in developed economies opened up great opportunities for Chinese enterprises to invest abroad, and the renminbi's appreciation helped the process," Huo said. China's non-financial ODI went up 13.3 percent last year to USD 77.73 billion, accounting for 88.5 percent of the total.
Financial ODI surged 65.9 percent to USD 10.07 billion, the bulletin said. Investment in US jumped 123.5 percent to USD 4.05 billion, making it the second-largest destination for China's ODI, the report said.
Total ODI to developed economies was around USD 13.51 billion.

Chinese investors have established about 22,000 overseas enterprises in 179 countries and regions, "and about 79.2 percent of them made profits or maintained a balance", Zhou said. He warned that Chinese enterprises are facing rising risks and challenges, including political unrest in Africa and Southeast Asia. Other challenges include increasing competition from developed economies and restrictions in those markets.

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Top Five Things Which Should Never be Shared on Facebook

London, Sept. 3 : The social media has become an integral part of everyday life but users need to be aware of what and how much they share on sites like Facebook which might be used by malicious hackers.

Those users who use the name of their pets as password for their social media account should try and avoid revealing it online and a recent research by Google indicated that 1 in 6 people use their pet's name as password.

Another of Such Social Media shares which make a strict no-no is one's mother's maiden name, which is a security question asked by a bank and users who have their family added in their social media account should keep their privacy settings high in order to avoid any hacking, reports.

Apart from mother's maiden name, security question related to first school attended can also be used as a potential tool for hacking into one's account.

The Report said that Revealing one's birth date is equally sensitive to be put online and if someone wants to Reveal, they shouldn't mention the year.

Next Comes Announcing the web world about one's trip out of town or display of Expensive things which might be of interest to robbers or an active GPS. 

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Review Madras Cafe

A Comfort Zone for John Abraham,
Where He can Show off his Physical Prowess

Cast: John Abraham, Nargis Fakhri, Prakash Belawade, Siddhartha Basu, Ajay Rathnam, Raashi Khanna

Director: Shoojit Sircar

Rating: ***

The Difficulties of attempting a true-blue Bollywood political thriller are evident in Madras Café. Director Shoojit Sircar places his film at the height of the civil war in Sri Lanka in the late '80s and early '90s, and it culminates in the assassination of an Indian political figure who closely resembles Rajiv Gandhi, but he (Sircar) is clearly constrained in naming names.
Yes, Sri Lanka is Sri Lanka, and Jaffna is Jaffna, but too often, the characters in the film call it, awkwardly, 'the island'. Not once is Rajiv Gandhi named: the actor who plays him is a look-alike, but he is consistently referred to as the 'ex-Prime Minister'. Rebel force LTTE, which spearheaded the demand for a 'separate Tamil homeland (Eelam)' is called LTF in the film. And LTTE chief Prabhakaran, the man behind Rajiv's assassination, becomes Anna (Rathnam).

Still, props to Sircar for pulling off, more or less, an I-spy fast-paced saga which has resonance. John Abraham plays a fictional army officer suborned by RAW, who is sent off to Jaffna for a covert operation. Those with long memories will remember how Sri Lanka's war had spilled over into the international arena, and how the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) had become the target of LTTE ire, and caused much political heartburn in India. India's attempt at keeping peace in the island nation had been one of Rajiv Gandhi's missions, which came to a rocky, controversial end, and which, directly and indirectly, caused his own tragic end .

Vikram Singh (Abraham) Reports to local Superior Bala (Belawade) in Lanka, and tries to break away Anna's supporters: the idea is to defame Anna, and ensure the return of peace. Meanwhile, a mysterious Indian is busy hatching a conspiracy with some foreign players at a fictional Madras Café: those involved do not want a political solution, their interest is in keeping the strife going, the loss of innocent lives be damned.

The film is fashioned as a flashback, and Abraham's beginning — bearded and burdened with the memories of having failed to protect 'his prime minister'— is unpromising. But Sircar gets past his hero's initial stiltedness by putting him into fatigues and sending him into the conflict zone. This is much more Abraham's comfort zone, where he can show off his physical prowess, and his ability to share screen space with his co-stars without wanting to dominate them. His meeting with Bala leads him deeper into the maze, where he has to negotiate treachery and Personal tragedy and the unravelling of the plot to kill an ex-PM. This is also where he meets British-Indian journo Jaya Sahni (Fakhri), who helps him piece together the conspiracy via some crucial clues.

For the most part, I enjoyed Madras Café. When Abraham sticks to toting a gun, he is fine. Fakhri's luscious lips are still to the fore (as they were in Rockstar), but she doesn't do a bad job in playing an intrepid, cigarette-smoking journo reporting from the war zone, in a Hollywood-familiar way: like most helicopter journalists from firang land, she instantly and without any discernible trouble gets an interview with Anna. The film's tone is mostly pared down, but there's some Bollywood-style emotion to be had from Vikram's interactions with his lonely wife (Khanna). I also had fun with some of the bits shot in South and North Block in New Delhi, in which familiar faces from the capital circuit play senior bureaucrats and spy chiefs (quiz man Siddhartha Basu, playing RAW honcho Robin Dutt, has a meaty role and settles well in it, and journalist Dibang has a nice cameo as a small cog in the intelligence wheel: full disclosure, I know these people).

The end-game segment is surprisingly accomplished, in which a bunch of hand-picked LTF cadres prepare for the human bomb (the actor is a dead ringer for Dhanu, the real-life assassin). This explosion is recreated with the right degree of vividness: the glimpse of the intended victim kept to a flash of an over-turned white sports shoe of the sort Rajiv Gandhi favoured, an image which was on our front pages the next day, after that fateful 1991 rally at Sriperumbudur.

In trying to keep it fast-moving, the film turns choppy and confusing in parts. Also, a few of the characters are a tad comic book-y, matching the ludicrousness of some dialogues. The high-flying journalist helping the hero bit feels contrived. But it is so rare to find a director and producer-cum-lead -actor committed to making films that are willing to deal with real-life events — Rajiv Gandhi's assassination changed India's tracks in ways we are still dealing with — and say it in a manner that keeps you fairly engaged, that I'd say Madras Café isn't half bad, even if it could have been better.

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Sunny Leone's Bright Irritability!

Sunny Leone is currently working with Naseeruddhin Shah for 'Jackpot'
The Two-Film-Old Actress is Already having Punctuality Issues.
It has been Reported that the Actress Reaches Late on the Sets, Making all the Others Wait.

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Most Expensive Train in India: Maharajas Express

Operating Since January 2010, Maharajas Express is the Newest Luxury Train of Indian Railways and easily one of the Most Expensive one in Asia.
For 8 Days this pan Indian Train takes Guests on a Ride across the best and the Most Prominent Destinations of the Country - Taj Mahal, the Khajuraho temples, wildlife environs of Ranthambore, Fatehpur Sikri and the Holy Bathing Ghats of Varanasi.

The Cheapest Rate Per Person Per Day is a Whopping US$ 800 for a Deluxe Cabin. The Next two slabs are US$ 900 and US$ 1,400. And the Presidential Suite Comes for US$ 2,500. The Maharajas' Express will have 88 Passengers (a Normal III AC Coach Packs in 72) living in suites fit for a Prince.
All Food and Drinks are Complimentary.

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8. CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)
9. Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)
10. Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)
11. Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)
12. Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)
13. Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts
14. Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off)
15. Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off)
16. Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off)
17. SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off)
18. NUM LOCK for five seconds (Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off)
19. Windows Logo +U (Open Utility Manager)
20. Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
21. END (Display the bottom of the active window)
22. HOME (Display the top of the active window)
23. NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) (Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder)
24. NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) (Display the contents of the selected folder)
25. NUM LOCK+Minus sign () (Collapse the selected folder)
26. LEFT ARROW (Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder)
27. RIGHT ARROW (Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder)

MMC Console Window Keyboard Shortcuts
1. CTRL+P (Print the current page or active pane)
2. ALT+Minus sign () (Display the window menu for the active console window)
3. SHIFT+F10 (Display the Action shortcut menu for the selected item)
4. F1 key (Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item)
5. F5 key (Update the content of all console windows)
6. CTRL+F10 (Maximize the active console window)
7. CTRL+F5 (Restore the active console window)
8. ALT+ENTER (Display the Properties dialog box, if any, for theselected item)
9. F2 key (Rename the selected item)
10. CTRL+F4 (Close the active console window. When a console has only one console window, this shortcut closes the console)

Remote Desktop Connection Navigation
1. CTRL+ALT+END (Open the Microsoft Windows NT Security dialog box)
2. ALT+PAGE UP (Switch between programs from left to right)
3. ALT+PAGE DOWN (Switch between programs from right to left)
4. ALT+INSERT (Cycle through the programs in most recently used order)
5. ALT+HOME (Display the Start menu)
6. CTRL+ALT+BREAK (Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen)
7. ALT+DELETE (Display the Windows menu)
8. CTRL+ALT+Minus sign (-) (Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)
9. CTRL+ALT+Plus sign (+) (Place asnapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboardand provide the same functionality aspressing ALT+PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)

Microsoft Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
1. CTRL+B (Open the Organize Favorites dialog box)
2. CTRL+E (Open the Search bar)
3. CTRL+F (Start the Find utility)
4. CTRL+H (Open the History bar)
5. CTRL+I (Open the Favorites bar)
6. CTRL+L (Open the Open dialog box)
7. CTRL+N (Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address)
8. CTRL+O (Open the Open dialog box,the same as CTRL+L)
9. CTRL+P (Open the Print dialog box)
10. CTRL+R (Update the current Web )


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પ્રથમ સોમવારઃ
કરો બાર જ્યોતિર્લિંગના દર્શન અને જાણો પૌરાણિક મહત્વ

સોમનાથ પ્રથમ જ્યોતિર્લિંગ તરીકે પ્રખ્યાત છે. દક્ષપ્રજાપતિએ પોતાની કન્યાઓ ચંદ્રને પરણાવી હતી. તે રાણીઓ માંથી ચંદ્ર માત્ર રોહિણીને વધારે પ્રેમ કરતો હતો, આથી બીજી કન્યાઓએ દક્ષને ફરિયાદ કરી. દક્ષે ચંદ્રને ક્ષયનો રોગ થવાનો શ્રાપ આપ્યો. દુઃખી થતા ચંદ્રએ પ્રભાસ ક્ષેત્રમાં  શિવજીનું તપ કર્યું. તેને પ્રસન્ન કર્યા અને શ્રાપમાંથી મુક્તિ અપાવી અને ક્ષય થાય પણ ફરી પાછો પોતાની સ્થિતિ પ્રાપ્ત થાય તેવું વરદાન આપ્યું અને તેની વિનંતિથી ભગવાન શિવ જ્યોતિર્લિંગ સ્વરૂપે ત્યાં સ્થાપિત થયા. ચંદ્રનું એક નામ સોમ છે તેથી સોમના નાથ એવું સોમનાથ નામ પડ્યું.  તે પ્રથમ જ્યોતિર્લિંગ સોમનાથનો આ રીતે પાદુર્ભાવ થયો. શિવપૂરાણમાં ઉલ્લેખ છે કે આ શિવલિંગનું દર્શન અને સ્મરણથી રોગીઓના રોગ દૂર થાય છે. મહારોગમાંથી આ જ્યોતિર્લિંગ ઉગારે છે. 

કાર્તિકેય અને ગણેશજી બન્નેને પૃથ્વીની પ્રદક્ષિણા કરીને આવવાનું હતું. ગણેશજીએ માતા-પિતાને સર્વસ્વ માની તેની પ્રદક્ષિણા કરી. ગણેશજીને રિદ્ધિ અને સિદ્ધિ બન્ને કન્યા સાથે પરણાવી દેવાયા. આ વાતથી રોષે ભરાય કાર્તિકેય બાર યોજન દૂર ચાલ્યા ગયા. તેને મળવા માટે શિવજી અને પાર્વતિ ગયા. જે સ્થળે શિવજી અને પાર્વતી રોકાયા તે સ્થળ શ્રી શૈલમ તરીકે ઓળખાય છે. એમ કહેવાય છે કે દર અમાસે શંકર મુરુગન એટલે કે કાર્તિકેયની મુલાકાતે આવે છે અને દર પુનમે પાર્વતી તેમને મળવા આવે છે. આ મંદિરનું દ્વાર પૂર્વ દિશમાં છે. મંદિરમાં ઘણાં સ્તંભો છે અને તેમાં નાડિકેશ્વરની ખૂબ મોટી મૂર્તિ છે. મહા શિવરાત્રિ આ મંદિરનો સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ તહેવાર છે. શિવ-પાર્વતિ ત્યાં જ્યોતિસ્વરૂપે સ્થિત થયા આથી તે જ્યોતિર્લિંગમાં સ્થાન પામ્યું છે. શિવપુરાણ અનુસાર આ જ્યોતિર્લિંગથી બધા પાપનો નાશ થાય છે અને ઈચ્છિત વરદાન પ્રાપ્ત થાય છે. 

ઉજ્જૈન નગરીમાં વેદપ્રિય બ્રાહ્મણના ચાર પુત્રો હતા.  આ નગરીમાં દુષણનામના અસુરે ચઢાઈ કરી અને બ્રાહ્મણોને મારવા લાગ્યો, ધર્મનો વિઘ્વંશ કરવા લાગ્યો,  બધા ભાગતા હતા પણ આ ચાર બ્રાહ્મણ પુત્રો શિવજીનું પાર્થિવલિંગ હતું ત્યા બેસી રહ્યા. તે અસૂર ત્યાં સુધી પહોંચ્યો અને એ લિંગને પગ માર્યો ત્યારે શિવજી ત્યાં પ્રગટ થયા અને ભયાનક સ્વરૂપથી તેણે તે અસુરોનો નાશ કર્યો અને બ્રાહ્મણ પુત્રોને વરદાન માંગવા કહ્યું ત્યારે બ્રાહ્મણ પુત્રોએ શિવજીને ત્યાં મહાકાળ રૂપે વાસ કરવા કહ્યું. આ રીતે ત્યાં મહાકાલેશ્વરની સ્થાપના થઈ. તેના સ્મરણથી અને દર્શનથી સ્વપ્નમાં પણ દુઃખ જોવા મળતું નથી અને જીવનનો ખરાબ સમય પણ સુખમાં પરિણમી જાય છે.  
નારદજી એકવાર ગોકર્ણ મુની પાસે જાય છે. પછી બન્ને બગવત ચર્ચા કરવા વિંધ્ય પર્વત પર જાય છે. વિંધ્ય પર્વતે નારદ સામે અભિમાન કર્યું કે મારી પાસે બધું છે ત્યારે નારદજીએ મેરૂ પર્વતને તેનાથી પણ શ્રેષ્ઠ ગણાવ્યો, તેથી વિંધ્યએ શ્રેષ્ઠ થવા માટે શિવજીનું તપ કર્યું અને તેને ‘‘ચાહો તેવું કરો’’ તેવું તેણે શિવજી પાસેથી વરદાન મેળવ્યું અને શિવજીને તેના ક્ષેત્રમાં સ્થાપિત થવાની પ્રાર્થના કરી આથી ત્યં ઓમકારેશ્વર મહાદેવની સ્થાપના થઈ. આ જ્યોતિર્લિંગના દર્શન-સ્મરણથી માનસિક પરિતાપની શાંતિ થાય છે અને કીર્તિ પ્રાપ્ત થાય છે.  
વિષ્ણુના અવતાર એવા નર-નારાયણે બદરિકાશ્રમ ક્ષેત્રમાં જઈ અને શિવજીનું તપ કર્યું અને ત્યાં તેના તપથી પ્રસન્ન થઈ અને શિવજી પ્રગટ થયા. નર-નારાયણે ત્યાં તેને સ્થિત થવા વિનવ્યા અને શિવજી ત્યાં કેદારેશ્વર તરીકે સ્થાયી થયા. તેના દર્શન-સ્મરણથી સંપૂર્ણ દુઃખનો નાશ થાય છે. શિવપુરાણ અનુસાર કેદારનું જો પાણી પીવામાં આવે તો જળ પીનારાનો બીજો જન્મ થતો નથી.  

કામરૂપ દેશમાં ભીમનામના અતિ શક્તિશાળી અને કુંભકર્ણના પુત્રે ઘર્મનો નાશ કરતો હતો. ધર્મનો નાશ કરી પોતે ઈશ્વર બનવાની અભિલાષા સેવતો હતો. દેવો, ઋષીઓ, બ્રહ્મા, વિષ્ણુ સહિત બધાએ શિવજીને વિનંતિ કરી. શિવજીએ તેના પર વાર કરવાનું શરૂ કર્યું પણ તે હણાયો નહીં. જ્યારે તેણે પાર્થિવલિંગનો નાશ કર્યો ત્યારે શિવજીના એક હુંકારથી ત્યાં રહેલા બધા રાક્ષસોનો નાશ થયો.  દેવતા અને ઋષીઓની પ્રાર્થનાથી ત્યાં જ જ્યોતિર્લિંગ તરીકે બિરાજમાન થયા અને ભીમશંકર તરીકે ઓળખાયા. તે આપત્તિ નિવારક અને સર્વસિદ્ધિને આપનારા કહેવાયા છે.  

વારણસી ક્ષેત્રમાં વિષ્ણુથી ઉત્પન્નિત પ્રકૃતિ અને પુરુષ માટે પંચક્રોશિ નગરીનું નિર્માણ શિવજીએ કર્યું તે કર્મોનું કર્ષણ કરનારી કાશિ તરીકે પૃથ્વી પર સ્થિત કરવામાં આવી. પ્રલય કાળે પણ આ નગરીનો નાશ થતો નથી શિવજી તેના ત્રિશુળ પર આ નગરીને ધારણ કરે છે. આ નગરમીમાં શિવ અને શક્તિ સજોડે જ્યોતિર્લિંગ રૂપે નિવાસ કરે છે. તે વિશ્વેશ્વર તરીકે પ્રસિદ્ધ છે. વિશ્વેશ્વર મનુષ્યના મહારોગોનું નિવારણ કરનાર અને મોક્ષ આપનાર છે. 

ગૌતમ ઋષીને આશ્રમમાંથી નીકાળવા માટે ગૌ હત્યાનું ખોટું આળ ઋષીઓએ અને દેવતાઓએ લગાડ્યું ત્યારે તેના ખોટા આરોપને પણ સાબિત કરવા માટે શિવજીનું તપ અહલ્યા સાથે કર્યું ત્યારે શિવજી પ્રસન્ન થયા. ગૌતમે શિવજી માટે બ્રહ્માએ આપેલ પાણીથી પદપ્રક્ષાલન કર્યું તો તે પાણી ગંગા રૂપે ત્યાંથી પસાર થયું જે ગૌતમી ગંગા કહેવાઈ અને તેના અવતરણથી પ્રભાવિત દેવોએ પણ શિવજીને પ્રાર્થના કરી ત્યાં સ્થિત થવાની. જ્યારે બૃહસ્પતિ સિંહ રાશિમાં આવે ત્યારે સમગ્ર દેવો અને ઋષીઓ સહિત સજોડે શિવ ત્યાં પધારશે તેવું વરદાન પણ આ ક્ષેત્રને મળેલું છે. શિવપુરાણ અનુસાર ત્ર્યંબકેશ્વરના દર્શનથી પાપની મુક્તિ અને લોકોમાં કીર્તિ મળે છે.

રાવણે કઠોર તપશ્ચર્યા કરી અને છત્તા પણ શિવજી પ્રસન્ન ન થયા, ત્યારે રાવણે પોતાના મસ્તક ઉતારી અને કમળપૂજા કરવા લાગ્યો. એક પછી એક એવા નવ મસ્તક તેણે ઉતારી શિવજીને સમર્પિત કર્યા જ્યારે દશમું મસ્તક ઉતારવા ગયો ત્યારે શિવજી પ્રસન્ન થયા અને  તેના બધા માથા પૂર્વવત કરી નિરોગી કર્યો. ભગવાને તેને ઈચ્છિત બધું વરદાન આપ્યું ત્યારે પણ તેને શિવને લંકામાં લઈ જવાની ઈચ્છા દર્શાવી. ત્યારે શિવજીએ કહ્યું કે તમે મારા લિંગને લઈ જઈ શકો છો પણ જ્યાં તેને મુકશો તે પછી તે ત્યાંજ સ્થાપિત થઈ જશે. પણ થયું એવું જ કે તેને લઘુશંકાના આવેગને રોકી ન શક્યો અને ભરવાડને લિંગ આપી તે ગયો પમ ભરવાડ તે લિંગનો ભાર સહન ન કરી શક્યો અને અંતે ત્યાંજ મુકાઈ ગયું અને ત્યાં તેની સ્થાપના થઈ. તેના દર્શન-સ્મરણથી મનોવાંછિત ફળ પ્રાપ્ત થાય છે.
દારુકા નામની રાક્ષસી પાર્વતીજીના વરદાનથી ઘમંડમાં ફરતી હતી. તે અને તેનો પતિ બધાને પિડવા લાગ્યા. તે વનનું રક્ષણ આ રાક્ષસીઓને સોપ્યું હતું અને સાથે વરદાન હતું કે તે જ્યારે જ્યાં  જશે ત્યારે તે આખું વન તેની સાથે આવશે. તેના ત્રાસથી દેવોએ ઔર્વની દેવીને પ્રાર્થના કરી તેના શ્રાપથી ભયભિત દારુકા સમુદ્રમાં સમાઈ ગઈ. ત્યાં બધાને બીડવા લાગી. એકવાર ત્યાંથી માણસોથી ભરેલી નાવ નીકળી તેને દારુકે પકડી તેમાં એક વણિક હતો જે શિવજીનો રૂદ્રાક્ષ ધારણ કરતો હતો તેથી તેણે ભગવાનને ત્યાંથી છોડાવવા વિનંતિ કરી ત્યારે તે રૂદ્રાક્ષમાંથી વિશાળ મંદિર સાથે સમગ્ર શિવ પરિવાર હાજર થયો. શિવજી જ્યારે પાશુપાસ્ત્રથી રાક્ષસોને હણવા લાગ્યા ત્યારે દારૂકાએ પાર્વતિજીને તેની રક્ષા કરવા મનાવ્યા અને પાર્વતિજીના કહેવાથી શિવજીએ રાક્ષસોને હણવા રહેવા દઈ તે સારું કુળ ઉત્પન્ન કરના બને તેવું વરદાન આપી નાગેશ્વર રૂપે ત્યાં સ્થિત થયા. શિવપુરાણ ભયમાંથી બચવા માટે અને મનોરોગો તથા શારીરિક દોષો પણ આ લિંગના સ્મરણ દર્શનથી દૂર થાય છે..

રામાવતારમાં ભગવાન રામે દક્ષિણ કિનારે સેતુબંધ બાંધતા પહેલા શિવજીનું પૂજન કર્યું ત્યારે શિવજી ત્યાં પ્રગટ થયા અને રામજીની વિનંતિથી તેમણે પોતાના જ્યોતિર્લિંગને ત્યાં સ્થાપિત કર્યું જે રામેશ્વર તરીકે ઓળખાય છે. રામેશ્વરના સ્મરણથી કોઈ પણ કાર્ય સિદ્ધ થાય છે. કાર્યમાં સફળ થવા માટે તેની પૂજા વધુ યોગ્ય છે.

દક્ષિણ દિશાનો શ્રેષ્ઠ પર્વત દેવગીરી છે. ત્યાં સુધર્મા નામનો બ્રાહ્મણ રહેતો હતો તેને સુદેહા નામની પત્ની હતી પરતુ પુત્ર સુખ ન હતું ઘણા ઉપાયો, તપ પછી પણ જ્યારે તેને પુત્ર પ્રાપ્તિ ન થઈ ત્યારે તેની પત્ની સુદેહાએ તેની બહેન ધુશ્માને સુધર્મા સાથે પરણાવી. ધુશ્મા શિવભક્ત હતી. તે દરરોજ સો પાર્થિવ શિવલિંગ બનાવતી, પૂજા કરતી અને પછી તેને તળાવમાં પધરાવી દેતી. આથી તેને પુત્ર રત્ન થયો. સુદેહાને તેની ઈર્ષા થઈ તેના પુત્રના છરાથી કટકા કરી તળાવમાં નાખી આવી. સવારે તે  ખોટો વિલાપ કરી પતિને કહેવા લાગી પણ ધુશ્મા સ્વસ્થ હતી તેણે કહ્યું જેનેપુત્ર આપ્યો છે તે જ તેની રક્ષા કરશે તેણે દરરોજ પ્રમાણે શિવલિંગ બનાવ્યા, પૂજા કરી અને તળાવમાં પધરાવવા ગઈ તો તેનો પુત્ર તળાવકિનારે રમતો હતો. તેણે સ્થિત ભાવે તે પુત્ર પાસે ગઈ તેને શિવજી પર વિશ્વાસ હતો આ જોઈ શિવજી પણ પ્રસન્ન થાય અને ત્યાં પ્રગટ થયા. ધુશ્માને દરોરોજ પાર્થિવલિંગ ન બનાવી પોતાના જ્યોતિર્લિંગની પૂજા થાય તે માટે ત્યાં નિવાસ કરવા વિનંતિ કરી અને તે ધુશ્મેશ્વરથી પ્રસિદ્ધ થયા. શ્રેષ્ઠ પુત્ર પ્રાપ્તિ માટે આ લિંગની પૂજા તથા તેનું સ્મરણ મનોવાંછિત ફળ આપનાર છે.

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